Get breakfast right and you are more than half way there to having a good metabolism, great energy and clear head.
I cannot understand how some children can function when they don’t eat breakfast. Their brain must be running at half pace. Their digestion must be really slow and when they do eventually eat food their body thinks it is starving and stores away the food in fat cells. Genetically we are still in the stone age when we need to store fat in times of famine. So if you don’t eat breakfast you body thinks it is famine and stores it away.
We also need to wake up the bowel. Get that bowel moving. Get rid of the toxins that you are actually meant to excrete. If you don’t they are likely to be reabsorbed into the blood stream making you feel just yuk.
Breakfast is a great time to get a massive dose of greens into you as well as fibre so you can have the nutrients you needs as well as the fibre to sustain the blood sugar levels.
If you don’t feel like eating try some lemon and water to stimulate your digestion.